This section contains important information for providers contracted for Elderly Services Program services with Council on Aging.
Provider/COA Relations
In addition to serving COA clients, COA and its contracted providers work together on community initiatives designed to enhance the lives of older adults. These include emergency preparedness, advocacy, and projects related to health, wellness, safety, and transportation.
If you are an existing COA provider (ESP or Title III) and want to add services or expand into additional COA counties, you must contact the Provider Services Department at Expansion procedures often vary among different programs.
Provider Changes
Current providers experiencing a major change in the agency’s information should immediately notify COA’s Chief Executive Officer in writing. Major changes would include, but are not limited to:
- Agency name change
- Change in federal tax ID number
- Change in ownership
- Change in legal structure
- Purchase by another entity
- A request to discontinue providing any service
- And/or a request to discontinue providing services in a specific geographic area
Provider Resources
The Council on Aging logos shown below are available for our contracted providers to use on their websites or print materials. Click on the preferred format (GIF or JPG) for one of the logos below. When the logo opens in a new window, right click on the image and select “Save As.” Note: JPG files are large, and may take a few minutes to appear.
Rules and Service Specifications for Elderly Service Program
Conditions of Participation
- Elderly Services Program (all counties – effective May 1, 2019)
- ESP Code of Ethics (effective May 1, 2019)
Database Review and Criminal Records Check
- ESP Free Database Reviews and BCII Criminal Records Check (effective May 1, 2019)
Service Specifications
- Adult Day Services (Butler, Clinton, Hamilton and Warren counties effective October 1,2023)
- Adult Day Service Transportation (Butler Clinton, Hamilton and Warren counties effective October 1,2023)
- Behavioral Health (Butler County only)
- Consumer Directed Care (Butler, Clinton, Hamilton and Warren Counties effective January 1, 2024)
- Emergency Response Systems (all counties)
- Environmental Services (all counties)
- Home Care Assistance (HCA) (Clinton County only effective January 1, 2023
- Home Care Assistance (HCA) (Butler, Hamilton and Warren Counties – effective May 1, 2021)
- Home Medical Equipment (Butler, Clinton and Hamilton counties – effective January 1, 2024)
- Minor Home Modification and Repair (Butler, Clinton, Hamilton and Warren Counties – effective January 1, 2021)
- Home Delivered Meals – ESP/Title III (all counties – effective October 1, 2023)
- Independent Living Assistance (Butler, Hamilton and Warren counties – effective April 1, 2022)
- Medical Transportation (Clinton and Warren counties effective October 1, 2021)
- Overnight Respite (Butler, Clinton, Hamilton and Warren counties – effective January 1, 2024)
- Transportation Service (Butler County only effective October 1, 2021)
Provider Quality Reports
The 2024, third (July-Sept.) and fourth (Oct.-Dec.) quarter Provider Quality Reports (PQRs) are now available for Butler, Clinton, Hamilton, and Warren Counties. If you have questions about your most recent quality report, please contact COA’s Provider Services Department.
- Butler County: Quarter 3 and Quarter 4
- Clinton County: Quarter 3 and Quarter 4
- Hamilton County: Quarter 3 and Quarter 4
- Warren County: Quarter 3 and Quarter 4
Client Choice Tables
Clients of the Elderly Services Program have the option to choose the provider organization they want for their services. But often, people are not familiar with organizations and don’t know which to choose. Council on Aging has created a Client Choice Table that will help people select a provider.
The Client Choice Table for home-delivered meals includes a quality rating for each provider by county (one to five stars). This quality rating is based on client satisfaction surveys and the cost to produce the meals. The table also shows the zip codes each provider serves. Some providers do not serve certain zip codes.
- Click here to view the Butler County Home-delivered Meals Client Choice Table (updated 03/3/2025)
- Click here to view the Clinton County Home-delivered Meals Client Choice Table (updated 03/3/2025
- Click here to view the Hamilton county Home-delivered Meals Client Choice Table (updated 03/3/2025)
- Click here to view the Warren County Home-delivered Meals Client Choice Table (updated 03/3/2025)