In 2023, Council on Aging (COA) received funding from the USAging-led Aging and Disability Vaccination Collaborative to conduct activities to connect older adults and people with disabilities to COVID-19 and flu vaccines.
The funding enabled COA in October to hold seven clinics in Clinton and Clermont counties where both types of vaccines were offered to older adults.
COA partnered with Clinton County Health District and Clermont County Public Health, which provided the vaccines and staff to register individuals and administer the vaccines at the clinics.
In Clinton County, 162 older adults received vaccines through clinics held at three senior apartment buildings, and a clinic at the health department headquarters a COA representative attended. In Clermont County, eighty-one older adults were vaccinated at clinics at three different senior apartment buildings. COA also partnered with Clermont County Senior Services to transport individuals from other senior apartment building to the clinics.
“These clinics will have a meaningful impact on the older adults who received vaccines,” said Judy Eschmann, COA’s vice president of community and business operations. “After all, older adults are more likely than most other age groups to become very sick or to die from the flu or COVID-19.”
Attendees received more than just shots, however. During the waiting period after receiving their shots, they joined in a mini Bingocize class. Bingocize teaches about the importance of exercise and wellness, and is one of the no-cost health and wellness workshops COA offers throughout its service area.
Each attendee also left with a goody bag full of information about COA programs and services, some giveaway items and a Kroger gift card.