2023 Update: Due to the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, this program is no longer available. Vaccines may be available at private doctor offices, pharmacies, workplaces, community health clinics, health departments or other community locations, such as schools and religious centers. If your primary healthcare provider does not stock all the vaccines recommended for you, ask for a referral. You may also find locations providing the flu and COVID-19 vaccines in your community at www.vaccines.gov. |
Council on Aging’s COVID-19 Homebound Vaccination Program for Vulnerable Older Adults has been selected as a recipient of a 2023 USAging Aging Achievement Award in the Public Health & Vaccinations category. The award was presented at USAging’s Annual Conference and Tradeshow in July.

Vice President of Program Operations Ken Wilson is the chief architect of the program, which was created shortly after Ohio launched its COVID-19 vaccination program in 2021. Wilson noticed a gap in the state’s vaccination system – which required people to travel to designated vaccination sites – and quickly began advocating for the needs of homebound individuals. Click here to read a press release from the program’s launch.
“Some people think because [older adults] are homebound, they’re not high-risk, but it’s actually quite the opposite. Most homebound individuals have people who are coming and going from their home – caregivers, home health care and others – which can increase their risk of exposure.” Ken Wilson, COA’s vice president of program operations
About USAing’s Aging Innovations & Achievement Awards
USAging annually identifies and showcases members’ innovative and successful programs to encourage their replication by other agencies. Launched in 2005, the awards program recognizes AAA and Title VI Native American Aging Programs that exemplify innovation and sound management practices. Member AAAs and Title VI aging programs submit nominations in a variety of categories, and representatives from USAging’s Board of Directors review eligible nominations to select the winning programs. The Aging Achievement Awards highlight successful programs in the field, and the Aging Innovations Awards honor the most innovative initiatives. The 2023 AIA Awards are sponsored by Caregiving.com and Cumulus.