Older adults, caregivers and professionals are invited to share input to help shape the future of aging services in southwestern Ohio
BLUE ASH, OHIO, Feb. 13, 2025 – Older adults, caregivers and professionals who work with or on behalf of older adults and caregivers are invited to participate in Council on Aging’s (COA) community needs assessment survey. Anonymous responses and feedback collected via the survey will help Council on Aging plan for the future needs of the region’s aging population.
More than 365,000 individuals age 60 and older live in southwestern Ohio, including more than 33,000 individuals age 85 and older. As our population ages, increasing numbers of people will need supportive services including meals, transportation and help with housekeeping and personal care tasks in order to remain independent in their homes and communities. This need – and the costs involved – will impact nearly every aspect of community life. As our region’s Area Agency on Aging, COA is charged with helping communities and individuals plan and prepare for the impact of an aging society.
In recent years, utility costs, property taxes, rising housing costs, transportation, inflation and social isolation have been growing concerns for many older adults. COA’s community needs assessment survey provides an opportunity to collect input on these issues from the people most impacted by them.
“The needs of older adults change over time,” said Council on Aging CEO Suzanne Burke. “Every few years we look to our community for input so we can ensure we are aligning programs and advocating for resources that will address issues older adults and caregivers are experiencing today. The community needs assessment survey is a key way community members can share their concerns with us.”
Information gathered through the community needs assessment survey will be analyzed and used to update COA’s Strategic Area Plan for Programs on Aging. Ohio Area Agencies on Aging are required to submit an Area Plan for Programs on Aging to the Ohio Department of Aging.
Click here to participate in the needs assessment survey or visit www.help4seniors.org. Older adults who wish to complete a paper version of the needs assessment survey can use the link below to access a printable version, or request a paper copy be mailed to them by calling (513) 721-1025.
Click here to access a printable version of COA’s community needs assessment survey. Please note, the printable version is for use by older adults only. Caregivers and professionals who wish to complete the survey must use the online version.
Individuals may also scan the QR Code below to access and complete the survey.